Buy Beetroot Powder 6% Nitrate

Buy Beetroot Powder 6% Nitrate

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Buy Beetroot Powder 6% Nitrate - To buy our product, click on 'Products' above or access the link:

8 benefits of beets, a multipurpose vegetable

Much more than just adding color and flavor to various dishes, the benefits of Beetroot Powder for our health range from combating aging to enhancing cancer treatments, protecting the heart and maintaining sexual desire.

If you are already a fan of this brightly colored, sweet-tasting vegetable, know that its properties are not limited to the root. In fact, the stalks and leaves are also very rich in vitamins and minerals, often standing out more than the purple part that we usually eat. Discover the main benefits of Beetroot Powder:

1. Controls blood pressure
The combination of nutrients in Beetroot Powder is capable of increasing elasticity and improving the functioning of blood vessels, allowing blood to circulate with less difficulty.

However, in this case the substance that really stands out is nitrate, which gives rise to nitric oxide. This molecule is capable of relaxing the walls of the arteries and increasing their caliber (vasodilation effect), which results in lower blood pressure – ideal for those suffering from hypertension.

2. Increases physical capacity during exercise
Another effect of the nitrate present in Beetroot Powder is an increase in the supply of oxygen to the muscles, so that they can respond better to the demands of exercise.

In addition, this vegetable gives athletes more resistance and energy, improving their performance in the last stages of physical activity, which are usually more difficult due to fatigue.

3. Prevents dementia in the elderly
The effects of Beetroot Powder on the walls of the arteries promote an improvement in blood circulation throughout the body, including the brain.

In this way, this vegetable combats the damage caused by the decrease in cerebral irrigation resulting from advancing age, preventing the development and progression of senile dementia.

4. Improves gastrointestinal function
Because it is rich in fiber, Beetroot Powder contributes to the proper functioning of the intestine, preventing problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids.

In addition, betaine, present in this vegetable, helps regulate the production of acid by the stomach, maintaining healthy levels for digestion and preventing conditions such as heartburn and gastritis.

5. Combats depression and anxiety
Beetroot Powder contains tryptophan, which is used by the body to produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for the feeling of well-being and relaxation and which is often lacking in people with depression or anxiety.

This vegetable also provides betaine and folate, two substances that also have a positive impact on mood regulation.

Furthermore, betacyanin, the pigment that gives beetroot its color, is an antioxidant that prevents bad cholesterol (LDL) from forming fatty plaques on the walls of the arteries, the main cause of strokes and heart attacks.

6. Contributes to the formation of babies
In addition to all the other benefits of beetroot, pregnant women can benefit from this vegetable because it is rich in folic acid, an essential component for the development of the spinal cord and neural tube in babies.

7. Helps fight some types of cancer
This property is again due to the pigment betacyanin, an antioxidant capable of reducing the speed of tumor growth in people with prostate and breast cancer.

In addition, beetroot powder can enhance the effect of some chemotherapy drugs, such as doxorubicin, in the treatment of malignant tumors of the breast, prostate and pancreas.

8. Preserves sexual health
In addition to improving circulation, also reinforcing blood supply to the sexual organs, beetroot provides a large amount of boron, a mineral that participates in the production of testosterone, a hormone related to desire in men and women.

The stalks, in turn, are rich in carotenoids, precursor substances of vitamin A, which is important for eye health. Beetroot Powder also contain B vitamins, which protect the nervous system and are necessary to prevent anemia.

Beetroot Powder is also rich in calcium and potassium, which are essential for muscle contraction, and zinc, which stimulates the body's defenses.

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