Jabuticaba Juice Powder Suppliers

Jabuticaba Juice Powder Suppliers

Jabuticaba Juice Powder Suppliers - Click on 'Products' above or access the link: https://www.proverbrasil.com.br/product/jabuticaba-puree-powder

Jabuticaba Juice Powder Suppliers

The small, sweet, dark-skinned fruit, in addition to being consumed pure, often straight from the tree, is also a great ingredient for jams, juices and even wines.

The tree usually bears fruit two or three times a year, but with constant care, it can produce all year round. And as the fruit ferments quickly, the ideal is to consume it within a maximum of three or four days after harvesting.

Jabuticaba also provides many health benefits, as it is rich in vitamins (especially B and C), amino acids, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and iron. Discover more benefits.

1. Protects against cancer
Some studies have shown that jabuticaba can help protect against the development of cancer. This is due to compounds such as anthocyanins, which can help stop cancer cells from spreading, and antioxidants, which eliminate free radicals from the body.

2. Treats diarrhea
When dried, crushed and mixed with water, jabuticaba bark helps to delay bowel movements, as it restores lost nutrients and vitamins and prevents dehydration caused by diarrhea.

3. It's anti-inflammatory
Jabuticaba has high anti-inflammatory power, which helps prevent the development of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. And it is also indicated for those who suffer from problems such as arthritis.

4. Do a natural detox
Consumption of the fruit helps relieve stress on the liver, helping to filter out toxins while nourishing the body with vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption helps keep the body free of toxins that can cause illness.

5. Relieves Asthma Symptoms
Although there is still no scientific evidence for this, there are those who believe that jabuticaba helps keep the airways and passages to the lungs clean, opening the bronchi.

6. Prevents premature aging
The antioxidant power of jabuticaba can help slow down the aging process as it helps to neutralize the factors that cause age spots and fine lines on the skin.

7. Fights sore throat
Jaboticaba juice, squeezed and mixed with warm water, has a soothing effect on a sore throat. In addition, the fruit is rich in vitamin C, which helps to fight the infection, speeding up the healing process.

Jabuticaba is not easily found in many parts of the world, but in Brazil it is very popular and affordable. Take advantage of the privilege of having this little fruit around and enjoy!

Jabuticaba Juice Powder Suppliers - Click on 'Products' above or access the link: https://www.proverbrasil.com.br/product/jabuticaba-puree-powder 

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