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Catuaba Bark Products

Trichilia catigua Juss

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Catuaba, Catuaba Bark, Catuaba Bark Powder, Catuaba Bark Powder Extract, Catuaba Extract, Catuaba Extract Powder, Catuaba Dry Extract, Powdered Catuaba

Family: Meliaceae

Genus: Erythroxylum

Species: Trichilia catigua Juss

Synonyms: None

Other Species: Erythroxylum vacciniifolium, Juniperus brasiliensis, Eriotheca candolleana, Anemopaegma mirandum

Main Actions

  • increases libido
  • calms nerves
  • reduces anxiety

Other Actions

  • relieves pain
  • kills bacteria
  • kills viruses
  • dilates blood vessels
  • relaxes blood vessels

What are the Benefits of Catuaba, Catuaba Bark, Catuaba Bark Powder, Catuaba Bark Powder Extract, Catuaba Extract, Catuaba Extract Powder, Catuaba Dry Extract, Powdered Catuaba?

There is a popular expression in Brazil: until a father is 60, the son is his; after that, the son belongs to catuaba. No, catuaba is not a fertility god, catuaba is actually a small, flowering tree that’s native to the Amazon. Hundreds of years ago, Brazil’s native Tupi tribe discovered that catuaba bark has aphrodisiac qualities. Drinking catuaba tea to spawn erotic dreams and boost libido became a part of their culture. Now, catuaba is one of the most popular Amazonian aphrodisiac plants in the world and is included in many male enhancement formulas.

How Does Catuaba, Catuaba Bark, Catuaba Bark Powder, Catuaba Bark Powder Extract, Catuaba Extract, Catuaba Extract Powder, Catuaba Dry Extract, Powdered Catuaba Enhance Sexual Health?

Within Brazilian herbal medicine, catuaba bark is categorized as a stimulant. But, you can relax. Catuaba bark does contain, however, three specific alkaloids believed to support a healthy libido. Some catuaba even contains yohimbine, another natural aphrodisiac.

Research involving animal models has shown that catuaba bark may enhance erectile strength by widening blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow to the penis. Catuaba may even have some neurological benefits due to its antioxidant content.  

Supplementing with Catuaba, Catuaba Bark, Catuaba Bark Powder, Catuaba Bark Powder Extract, Catuaba Extract, Catuaba Extract Powder, Catuaba Dry Extract, Powdered Catuaba

A downswing in sexual energy can happen for a number of reasons: a lack of physical fitness, medications, and the age related symptoms of andropause. Catuaba bark has been used by many men across the world to rejuvenate their libido and desires and is not associated with adverse health effects. Oddly enough, while some herbal aphrodisiacs are gender specific, women too may experience the aphrodisiac benefits of catuaba bark. To further populate the spectrum of efficacy, catuaba is often used in combination with other aphrodisiac plants, like muira puama powder, muira puama powder extract.

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