Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder)
Scientific Name: Geissospermum Vellosii
Family: Apocynaceae
This Brazilian tree, from the Apocinaceae family, is found in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Espírito Santo, and is widely used as ornamentation in squares and public places due to its beauty, large and striking crown and the flowers it presents between the months of May and June, the winter season. Popularly called Pau-Pereira, Geissospermum laevis has several names, which vary according to the region, such as: Chapéu de Sol, Tinguaba, Pau Forquilha, Pau de Pente, Paratudo, Canudo Amargoso, Ubá-Açú, Pereiroá, among many others. However, its most popular name, they say, came from the Europeans who began to explore Brazilian soil in the mid-1500s due to its similarity to the Pereira.
From the Apocinaceae family, the Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder), Geissospermum vellosi, is from the geissospermum genus, a common plant in northeastern and southeastern Brazil and considered a very important vegetable in domestic medicine..
The used part of the Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder) is the bark of the tree, which is coarse on the outside and fine and light yellow on the inside, which breaks easily into thin layers of wood with therapeutic effects.
A curiosity about the plant is that in the old city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, it was quite common, in the city's taverns, to add Pau Pereira bark to cachaça bottles, or even to make their own bottles from the wood of the tree. The bohemians of the time believed that if they consumed the drink next to the wood of the tree, they would have more sexual appetite, as it had invigorating substances.
Benefits of Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder)
Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder) is among the ten most important Brazilian plants for medicine, due to its great health benefits. The power of the plant lies in its bark, which is thick and has a very bitter taste, making a tea rich in substances that help in the treatment of ailments such as malaria, intestinal problems, fevers, dizziness, poor digestion and lack of appetite. Pau Pereira is quite confused with Guatumbu Oliva, or Guatumbu Branco, and despite having different chemical compositions, both are used to treat the same illnesses.
The power of the plant lies in its bark, which is thick and has a very bitter taste, making a tea rich in substances that help in the treatment of ailments such as malaria, intestinal problems, fevers, dizziness, poor digestion and lack of appetite.
Rich in healthy substances such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, alkaloids such as pau pereira, a sedative, vasoconstrictor, anesthetic and muscle relaxant.
Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder) has a diuretic, spasmodic action, acts on the respiratory system.
As a tonic we can use pear tree in the form of a tea, in addition to being digestive and strengthening the intestinal tract.
In the fight against pain, including stomach pain.
With antiseptic, antimicrobial power.
A tea bath with pau pereira helps fight fevers and erysipelas.
To combat dizziness, malaria, increase appetite and combat liver problems.
In the prevention of prostate and ovarian tumors, pear wood tea helps in the treatment, in addition to fighting tumors.
Aphrodisiac drink, it is used in alcoholic beverages for this purpose.
Pau pereira, pau pereira bark, pau pereira bark powder, pau pereira powder, powdered pau pereira, powder of pau pereira, pao pereira, pao pereira bark, pao pereira bark powder, pao pereira powder, powdered pao pereira, powder of pao pereira, Pau Pereira Bark Powder (Pao Pereira Bark Powder)