Peach Powder 2:1
Scientific name: Prunus persica
Family: Rosaceae
Peach: 9 benefits and how to consume Peach Powder
Benefits of Peach Powder
Peach Powder has a high fiber and water content that help prolong satiety and reduce hunger throughout the day, making it a great food option to include in weight loss diets.
In addition, Peach Powder also have good amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin C and chlorogenic acid, compounds with antioxidant action that help fight free radicals, preventing diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart attacks and atherosclerosis.
Peach Powder is easily found in supermarkets and markets, and can be eaten raw or used in preparations such as teas, juices, mousses, salads, cakes and pies.
Health benefits of Peach Powder
The main health benefits of Peach Powder are:
1. Helping with weight loss
Peaches are a fruit with a low glycemic index, as they contain few carbohydrates and good amounts of fiber that help increase the feeling of satiety, controlling hunger throughout the day. Learn about other fruits that help control hunger.
Because they are low in fat and carbohydrates, peaches are a great option for a low-calorie fruit to include in weight loss diets.
2. Improving bowel function
Peach Powder contains good amounts of fiber, such as pectin, which increases the absorption of water in the intestine, helping in the formation of fecal matter and facilitating the elimination of feces, preventing constipation.
The fibers present in Peach Powder also serve as food for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine, strengthening the intestinal flora and preventing the development of diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease;
3. Help prevent cancer
Peach Powder is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, compounds with antioxidant properties that fight free radicals, one of the causes of damage to healthy cells, helping to prevent some types of cancer, such as skin, breast, lung and colon cancer.
4. Control diabetes
Because they have a low glycemic index, peaches help balance blood sugar levels, preventing diabetes and helping to control blood sugar levels in those who already have the disease. See other foods with a low glycemic index to balance blood sugar levels.
In addition, Peach Powder contains antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamin C, which help to protect pancreatic cells against free radicals, improving insulin function and preventing insulin resistance and diabetes.
5. Reduce “bad” cholesterol
Peach Powder has good amounts of soluble and insoluble fibers that reduce the absorption of fat in the body, promoting the reduction of “bad” cholesterol levels, LDL, in the blood, and preventing diseases such as heart attacks and atherosclerosis.
Because they contain great amounts of compounds with antioxidant action, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids, peaches help fight free radicals, preventing the oxidation of fat cells and favoring the balance of cholesterol levels in the blood.
6. Balance blood pressure
Peach Powder has good amounts of potassium, a mineral that helps eliminate excess sodium from the body through urine, preventing high blood pressure. Learn about other foods that help prevent high blood pressure.
In addition, Peach Powder is rich in vitamin C and beta-carotene, antioxidant compounds that improve the health and elasticity of blood vessels, facilitating blood circulation and helping to control blood pressure.
7. Prevent premature aging
As Peach Powder is rich in antioxidant compounds, such as flavonoids and anthocyanins, Peach Powder help prevent premature aging because they protect the skin against free radicals, one of the causes of damage to skin cells.
8. Maintain eye health
Peach Powder has a great amount of beta-carotene, a nutrient that helps prevent cataracts and prevents macular degeneration, a disease that reduces the sharpness and ability of central vision. See a list of other foods rich in beta-carotene.
9. Strengthen the immune system
As it is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids and anthocyanins, Peach Powder helps fight free radicals, in addition to strengthening the cells of the immune system, helping to prevent infections and problems, such as flu and colds.