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Yerba Mate Leaf Products

Ilex paraguariensis-St. Hil.

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Yerba Mate, Yerba Mate Leaves, Yerba Mate Powder Extract, Mate Powder Extract, Buy Yerba Mate Dry Extract, Mate Green Extract Powder, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract

Family: Aquifoliaceae

Genus: Ilex

Species: paraguariensis

Synonyms: Ilex paraguayensis , I. paraguensis, I. mate, I. domestica, I. sorbilis

Main Actions

  • increases energy
  • burns fat
  • suppresses appetite
  • cleanses blood
  • stimulates digestion
  • cleanses bowels
  • stimulates heart
  • fights free radicals
  • enhances memory

Other Actions

  • relieves pain
  • increases bile
  • mildly laxative
  • promotes perspiration
  • enhances immunity

Yerba Mate, Yerba Mate Powder Extract, Mate Powder Extract, Mate Green Extract Powder, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract, Ilex paraguariensis, begins as a shrub and then matures to a tree and can grow up to 15 metres (49 ft) tall. The leaves are evergreen, 7–11 cm long and 3–5.5 cm wide, with a serrated margin. The leaves are often called yerba (Spanish) or erva (Portuguese), both of which mean "herb".

They contain caffeine (known in some parts of the world as mateine) and also contains related xanthine alkaloids and are harvested commercially.

The flowers are small, greenish-white, with four petals. The fruit is a red drupe 4–6 mm in diameter.

The Yerba Mate, Yerba Mate Powder Extract, Mate Powder Extract, Mate Green Extract Powder, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract, help improve concentration as it reduces feelings of tiredness and increases alertness levels. Yerba mate has a good amount of saponins, bitter compounds with anti-inflammatory properties capable of lowering cholesterol and preventing heart disease.

What are the 7 Benefits of Yerba Mate, Yerba Mate Powder Extract, Mate Powder Extract, Mate Green Extract Powder, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract, Yerba Mate Leaf Extract?

Helps in lowering blood sugar level

Helps reduce blood sugar levels. In studies and analyzes carried out, it was found that yerba mate works successfully in the fight against diabetes. This is because it acts on insulin levels helping to control blood sugars.

Improves physical performance

Contains high levels of caffeine in their composition. This substance acts directly on sports performance, contributing to fat burning during exercise.

Helps in lowering bad cholesterol

Helps to reduce bad cholesterol. Currently, it is quite common to find people who, after laboratory tests, have identified that their bad cholesterol level is high. This happens due to the lack of regular physical activity and also to a diet with high levels of saturated fats. Regular consumption of mate tea acts to combat and reduce bad cholesterol, increasing the absorption of fats by the body.

Helps to strengthen immunity

Because it is rich in antioxidants, mate tea and yerba mate strengthen immunity. The drink also has anti-inflammatory substances, which have an effect on our health in general.

Helps fight depression

Helps to combat depression. Mental health has never been more important than in times of a pandemic. Balance between physical and psychological health has been the key to overcoming moments of anxiety and sadness. In addition to being excellent company, mate tea and chimarrão, with yerba mate, help fight depression by providing more energy to the body.

It has diuretic action

Drinking fluids is a big challenge for many people. Some don't like water or, because of the day-to-day rush, end up not drinking enough. Mate tea can be an alternative in these cases, as it combines a delicious flavor with a diuretic action, eliminating toxins and bringing benefits for weight loss.  
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